
Forno com câmara de alta temperatura até 1800°C - HTF

Forno de Laboratório de Alta Temperatura - HTF

HTF 17/5 & HTF 18/27

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A linha de fornos de câmara Carbolite Gero HTF é projetada para precisão e desempenho, oferecendo temperaturas de até 1800°C. Esses fornos são ideais para uma variedade de processos, incluindo sinterização, recozimento, calcinação e outros tratamentos térmicos. Cada unidade da linha HTF é construída com materiais de alta qualidade e incorpora tecnologia térmica avançada para garantir distribuição uniforme de calor, controle de temperatura ideal e desempenho duradouro.

Whether you're involved in research and development, quality control, or production in sectors such as ceramics, metallurgy, electronics, or materials science, the HTF chamber furnace range is designed to meet your specific requirements. With a focus on user-friendly operation, safety, and efficiency, these furnaces are equipped with intuitive controls, robust safety features, and energy-saving capabilities. 


Visão Geral

Temp. Máx.
1700, 1800°C
Control thermocouple
Type B
Bench mounted :  4, 5, 8 & 10 litre 
Floor standing : 27, 64,128, 165 litre 
Furnace useable volume 
1700°C: 5, 10, 27, 64,128,165 litre 
1800°C: 4, 8, 27, 64,128, 165 litre 


Forno de Laboratório de Alta Temperatura - HTF Leading Heat Technology

Carbolite Gero's HTF furnace range is at the pinnacle of furnace design. The culmination of over 80 years of experience in thermal engineering; combining the latest technological developments with solid construction and high-quality components.


  • Excellent temperature uniformity
  • Fast heat-up and cool-down rates
  • Unsurpassed temperature uniformity



  • Low energy consumption
  • Low external case temperature
  • Designed for longevity

INSIDE HTF Chamber Furnaces

Visão interna do forno de câmara HTF de 1700 °C e 1800 °C:
  • Elementos de aquecimento ( MoSi2)
  • Isolamento de fibra cerâmica
  • Porta frontal
  • Estrutura de suporte
  • Termopar
  • Espaço utilizável
Os elementos de aquecimento em forma de U de  MoSi2 são instalados em uma posição vertical e suspensa dentro do HTF. O calor é isolado usando placas de fibra cerâmica, em camadas com uma espessura apropriada para melhorar a uniformidade da temperatura. A temperatura máxima dessas placas é escolhida com base nos requisitos de temperatura máxima do forno. O resfriamento por água é desnecessário devido à baixa condutividade térmica do material de isolamento. O sistema é resfriado externamente por convecção de ar ambiente e fechado com placas metálicas. Os elementos de aquecimento MoSi2 são ideais para processos de alta temperatura, pois formam naturalmente uma camada de óxido protetora em temperaturas elevadas. O forno de câmara HTF se destaca por sua excepcional uniformidade de temperatura e design compacto.

HTF PART IDENTIFICATION Optional debinding and sintering with pre-heated air flow and gas flame after burner

  1. Gas fired afterburner
  2. Motorised damper
  3. Molybdenum disilicide elements
  4.  Gas controls
  5. Automatic door
  6. Side channel blower
  7. Air preheater



HTF Chamber Furneces Features & Options

The HTF high temperature furnace range comprises 1700 °C and 1800 °C models. 
The four smaller models are bench mounted and the larger units are floor-standing. These furnaces may be customised in order to satisfy specific customer requirements, e. g. the addition of debinding options for ceramic binder burn-off applications.

Standard Features:

  • 1700°C & 1800°C maximum operating temperature
  • From 4 to 165 litre capacities
  • High quality molybdenum disilicide heating elements
  • Vertical lift door keeps heated surface away from the user
  • Manual door operation on the 4 to 10 litre models
  • Electrical door actuation on the 27 to 165 litre models
  • Advanced refractory interior, used in combination with energy efficient low thermal mass insulation
  • Programmable EPC3016P1 controller
  • Over-temperature protection
  • Ethernet communications
  • Fan cooling for low external case temperature
  • Motorised exhaust vent



  • A range of sophisticated digital controllers, multisegment programmers and data loggers with digital communication options is available - more information about controllers
  • Inert gas inlet
  • 100mm flowmeter for inert gas
  • Solenoid valve with manual switch
  • Solenoid valve with automatic switch
  • Fast cooling comprising an air blower and utilising the standard motorised exhaust vent
  • Debinding and sintering with pre-heated air flow
  • Debinding and sintering with pre-heated air flow and gas flame after burner
  • Sheathed thermocouple calibration port
  • Unsheathed thermocouple calibration port through back wall of chamber (Ø 12 mm)
  • Unsheathed thermocouple calibration port through centre of door (Ø 12 mm)



Debinding & sintering

Carbolite Gero HTF furnaces may be equipped with debinding and sintering options to accommodate a range of technical ceramic applications  A thermally induced decomposition and evaporation of the binder occurs due to gas flow through the HTF furnace during the debinding phase. The gas flow guides vapours to leave the sample.
The sintering of oxide ceramics in an HTF 1700°C or 1800°C furnace is a critical process in materials engineering, essential for achieving optimal mechanical and structural properties in ceramic components. This high-temperature sintering, particularly relevant for materials like alumina and zirconia, optimizes microstructural characteristics, enhancing performance in demanding applications.

High quality MoSi2 heating elements and preheated air inlet.

Optimised pre-heated air flow for efficient binder removal.

For safe combustion of binder gases an active propane gas afterburner can be provided.

Sinter run in HTF 18/64

Disclaimer: The information presented shows typical performance. Furnace load ~ 8kg. 

Loading: The ceramic is placed on a sintering tray in the HTF furnace, using a tray that withstands high temperatures without reacting with the ceramic.  

Ramp-Up: The furnace's temperature is methodically increased to 1800°C, with a controlled profile to prevent thermal shock and ensure even heating, possibly pausing at certain temperatures for stress relief.  

Soak: At 1800°C, the ceramic undergoes a critical soak, allowing particles to merge through diffusion, enhancing density and growth. 

Cool Down: Following the soak, the furnace cools to room temperature at a rate that prevents thermal stress, avoiding cracks or deformation in the ceramic. 


Cooling options

The cool down phase in sintering oxide ceramics, is crucial for maintaining structural integrity and achieving desired properties.  By utilising the HTF furnace's pre-heated air inlet blower options the user gains flexibility for their sintering processes.  This feature allows precise control of cooling from sintering temperatures (1700 or 1800°C) to room temperature, preventing thermal gradients and associated stresses that could damage the ceramic. 

For complex shapes or materials prone to thermal shock, step cooling can be used.  With the HTF furnace step cooling can be optimised to minimize thermal stress risks by holding at intermediate temperatures to equalize internal and external temperatures.   The HTF furnace can be used to tailor the cool down to each ceramic's needs ensures high-quality components with optimal properties.

Cool down rates for HTF 17/430

Debinding & Sinterização usando HTF

During the heat treatment process, the 3D-printed components were treated in the same furnace. The X-shaped sample experienced a weight loss of approximately 6.5%, while the rectangular-shaped sample showed a weight loss of about 11.1%.

Temperature uniformity

The HTF furnaces ensures exceptional temperature uniformity with its advanced design, high-quality elements, and superior thermal insulation for minimal heat loss and even heat distribution.

Advantages of investing in a Carbolite Gero furnace:

  • Efficient removal of binder due to a high airflow
  • Great temperature uniformity at low temperatures due to the air pre-heater
  • Safe handling of binder by using the thermal afterburner
  • Unique uniformity at high temperatures due to an optimized heating element arrangement
  • Air blowers can be used for fast cooling to minimize run times



Controlador CC-T1 com tela de toque
Controlador CC-T1 com tela de toque

Forno de Laboratório de Alta Temperatura - HTF Controle de temperatura & comunicações

HTF furnaces are equipped with ethernet communications and a programmable controller with 24 segments as standard: :

  • Single zone furnaces fitted with Carbolite Gero EPC3016P1 controller
  • Over-temperature protection to protect valuable contents and for unattended operation




  • A range of sophisticated digital controllers, multi-segment programmers and data loggers is available.

Forno de Laboratório de Alta Temperatura - HTF Dados Técnicos

Temp. Máx. (°C) Tempo de aquecimento (minutos) Dimensões:
Interno A x C x P (mm)
Dimensões: Externo A x L x P (mm) A (porta aberta) Configuração Volume (litros) Potência máx. (W) Digital Ethernet Comms Tipo de termopar peso (kg)
HTF 17/5 1700 50 158 x 150 x 225 565 x 830 x 650 (850) Bancada 5 4050 Padrão B 109
HTF 17/10 1700 44 232 x 200 x 225 565 x 830 x 650 (850) Bancada 10 5920 Padrão B 133
HTF 18/4 1800 65 140 x 140 x 190 565 x 830 x 650 (850) Bancada 4 4650 Padrão Pt20%Rh/Pt40%Rh 115
HTF 18/8 1800 56 210 x 190 x 190 565 x 830 x 650 (850) Bancada 8 6200 Padrão Pt20%Rh/Pt40%Rh 128
HTF 17/27 1700 -- 300 x 300 x 300 1835 x 900x 1000 (1950) Floor standing 27 10000 Padrão B 355
HTF 17/64 1700 -- 400 x 400 x 400 2530 x 1150 x 1490 Floor standing 64 16000 Padrão B 555
HTF 18/27 1800 -- 300 x 300 x 300 1835 x 900x 1000 (1950) Floor standing 27 1000 Standard B 355
HTF 18/64 1800 -- 400 x 400 x 400 2530 x 1150 x 1490 Floor standing 64 16000 Standard B 555
HTF _/128 1700,1800 -- 400 x 400 x 800 2000 x 1000 x 1500  Floor standing 128 40000 Padrão B --
HTF _/165 1700,1800 -- 550 x 550 x 550 2450 x 1400 x 1400 (door open) Floor standing 165 40000 Standard B --

- A temperatura máxima de operação contínua é 100°C abaixo da temperatura máxima
- A taxa de aquecimento é medida a 100°C abaixo do máximo, usando uma câmara vazia
- A reação química entre os elementos de aquecimento e a zircônia pode descolorir a zircônia. Conselhos de processamento ou elementos alternativos estão disponíveis; por favor pergunte.

Sujeito a alterações técnicas e erros

HTF Debinding & sintering Cerâmicas Técnicas

Os processos de debinding e sinterização são necessários para remover o aglutinante orgânico e para densificar os componentes cerâmicos.


  • Efficient debinding
  • Densification of parts
  • Uniform shrinkage


Fornos de Debinding Nota de aplicação

Modern Solutions for Safe Debinding of Ceramic Parts CARBOLITE GERO has developed sophisticated safety concepts for safe debinding of ceramic parts.

HTF Furnaces FAQ

what makes the 1700 & 1800°c chamber furnace range ideal for thermal treatments?

The 1700 & 1800°c furnace range, designed for precision and performance, excels in processes like sintering, annealing, and calcination. Built with top-notch materials and incorporating advanced thermal technology, it ensures uniform heat distribution, optimal temperature control, and durability. Ideal for sectors such as ceramics, metallurgy, and electronics, it meets diverse research, quality control, and production needs.

how does the 1700 & 1800°c furnace range ensure temperature uniformity and efficiency?

Featuring high-quality molybdenum disilicide heating elements and advanced thermal insulation, the furnace range achieves excellent temperature uniformity, quick heat-up and cool-down rates, while reducing energy consumption. These components contribute to the furnaces' efficiency and consistent heating capabilities, ensuring low external case temperatures and longevity.

can 1700 & 1800°C chamber furnaces be customized for specific applications?

1700 & 1800°C furnaces offer customization for specific requirements, including debinding options for ceramic binder burn-off. Available in both bench-mounted and floor-standing models, each furnace can be tailored for precise technical needs, providing flexibility and precision for various applications.

What are the key features and options available with the 1700 & 1800°c furnaces?

1700 & 1800°C furnaces have programmable controllers, over-temperature protection, and fan cooling for safety and ease of use. Options include sophisticated digital controllers, inert gas inlets, solenoid valves, and fast cooling. These features facilitate user-friendly operation, safety, and adaptability for a wide range of processes.

How do 1700 & 1800°C chamber furnaces accommodate debinding and sintering processes?

Equipped with debinding and sintering options, including pre-heated air flow and gas flame afterburners, these furnaces support thermal decomposition and evaporation of binders during debinding. This capability, along with precise temperature control during sintering, optimizes the mechanical and structural properties of ceramics, ensuring high-quality outcomes for technical ceramic applications.

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